About Me

Dr. Steve Sobelman lives in two professional worlds: psychology and business. He uses his knowledge of psychology and the understanding of the mind to serve as a foundation on which to build and create insights and perspectives on how people cope with the challenges of life. It is this blend and melding of his work in psychology and his experience in business that has provided for a successful psychotherapy practice and success in business consulting and coaching.

Specifics in Psychology:

Dr. Steve Sobelman, a licensed psychologist in MD, DC, CT, & FL.  Additionally he is licensed to practice via telehealth in over 39 States through ASPPB’s PsyPact.  The following states are covered by PsyPact (click here).  He maintains a private clinical psychotherapy practice in Baltimore, Maryland. He currently serves as the consulting psychologist for the Kennedy Krieger Institute, International Center for Spinal Cord Injury (ICSCI). And, he is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Loyola University, Baltimore, Maryland, where he taught undergraduate and graduate courses as well as conducted psychotherapy research which resulted in books, book chapters, and professional articles (current co-editor, Journal of Unified Psychotherapy and Clinical Science). At Loyola, he served as Chair, Graduate Programs in Psychology for almost 2 decades and was responsible for major changes and growth in the graduate programs of study, to include complete changes in M.A. and M.S. programs of study and the creation of the doctoral program in clinical psychology.

In 2008, he was appointed by the Governor of Maryland to serve two, 4-year terms on the Board of Examiners of Psychologists in Maryland and was the Chair of the Board for 5 years. He also served on the Board of Directors of the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. Additionally, he served two 3-year terms as Treasurer of APA Division 29 (Psychotherapy) and also served as the President of APA Division 49 (Group Psychotherapy). He is the current Treasurer of the international organization SEPI (Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration).

Dr. Sobelman was also the President of the Maryland Psychological Association and continues to be actively involved in local and national legislative activities as they relate to the practice of psychology. In 2005, he received an award for “Outstanding Contributions to Psychology” by the Maryland Psychological Association.

Specifics in Business:

Dr. Sobelman founded and served as President of Psych Associates, which became the largest private mental health organization in the Baltimore Metropolitan area. Psych Associates was sold to a hospital-based psychiatric group and today is one of the largest private mental services in Maryland. Further, he served as the CEO of The Psy Group, a business consulting firm specializing in human resource management. And, he is still a partner in the real estate development firm, Psych Development Group.

Dr. Sobelman is the founder and CEO of eFilesLLC, a content management solution for personal and business use. Additionally he was the co-founder and CEO of DEMESYS, LLC, a company that developed a proprietary EMR software platform for the medical industry, which was sold in 2012. Prior to DEMESYS, he was the founder and CEO of Reliable Internet Solutions, a software development and internet design and hosting company, specializing in data warehousing and data management systems.

Today, Dr. Sobelman is a co-founder of Unicity Ventures, LLC, that follows a venture build model driven by our mission to “do good” while building a unique data ecosystem that enables powerful, responsible, timely data-driven human understanding.  Our ecosystem enables ethical innovation, creativity, and competition based on compliant, responsible data and technologies.

Additionally, Dr. Sobelman has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, law enforcement agencies, and small- to mid-sized companies in dealing with human resource issues, personnel issues, conflict management, time management, stress management, and involvement in decisions related to employee hiring, retention, and promotion.

In the 1980s, he was the on air psychologist for the NBC affiliate in Baltimore, Maryland. He serves and has served on professional, charitable, educational, and private executive boards and is a member or fellow of numerous professional associations.